Leumeah Public School

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner

Telephone02 4625 5245


LPS P&C Meeting

The aim of the Leumeah Public School P&C Association is to unite members of our school community in supporting interests of the school and its students. The P&C Association holds fundraising activities during the year with funds raised used to purchase resources to support student learning and well-being, while at the same time promoting a sense of community. To continue to do this they need the help of the members of our community. The association is open to all community members who reside in the school local area.
LPS P&C meetings are held on Tuesday nights in Week 3and Week 8 at 7.00pm in the school library and via Zoom for anyone that cannot attend in person. To keep up to date with all things P&C follow theirFacebook page, lpspandc.